Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Things i'm thankful for:

  • That 2010 was lovely.
  • Even with some downsides and slip ups, there are still a lot of things to smile about. 
  • That i only get bored at work. Crying even arriving is worse.
  • That i'm a girl in my early 20's, with a job, with my family, healthy and capable to do bigger things.
  • For my winning personality, natural beauty, and good heart (channeling Nicole Ritchie but i don't have a flawless face and smokin' hot body though). 
  • For having people in my life that is worth all the hassle.
  • 2011 and all the good things to come.
It may be shitty but come to think of it, no matter what the situation is, you will still find some little things to be thankful for! 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Secrets of Guerilla Marketing Seminar by Al Lautenslager

Last November 13, 2010, I fought myself and woke up early on a Saturday and attended the Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing  Seminar by Al Lautenslager with my College friend Erikka. Always wanted to check out the Guerrilla Marketing series books so i said it's a good time to come to this event and one of my dearest friends, Nash is one of the organizers and gave us VIP discounts. So it's both educational and support for me and my friends. 

 The Color theme of this day and i like it with Military Green

Running with 3 hours of sleep

Al Lautenslager giving us some secrets on Guerrilla Marketing

We were seated in front lol and it was freezing in this big auditorium

Blurry shot but i was writing!

My lunch

Tokyo Tokyo nearby

Erikka being her cute self

Erikka's Beef Misono

My dearest Nash giving the closing Speech

Had fun with Erikka since i haven't seen her in a long time.
Great job for Nash! Thanks for the VIP! Till our next event!
The talk was great, made me miss college and doing full blown marketing campaigns. :(
I went home hungry lol and tired

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sculpture Square and the National Library Singapore

We tried to get up early for our first whole day in SG. I can sum up this day in 1 word: Walking. Yes we walked a lot the whole day. Went home dead tired, with wounded feet and really sore legs. Good thing, Singapore is clean and Sim city like. I actually liked the walk during the morning.  First stop was the Sculpture Square which was not really a walking distance from our Hotel but we managed to survive going in it with our feet. Went to the Nationa Library next and i fell in love with it. Why isn't our library here in Manila like that? I swear if i live in SG, i can stay there all day!

  Sculpture Square

Cute Cafe inside

Inside of the colorful houses where you can see lots of good finds for display and sale

Next stop: The national Library where i found love

I sat around the floor next to this with piles of books like how i do it in normal bookshops here

It's like a legit bookstore with a big collection of everything!

I do

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Singapore Hawkers

 It's not a secret that my favorite thing about my Singapore trip was the food. I actually went there for that! I love their hawker centres. If you still don't know, hawker centres are open-air food complexes housing many stalls that sell a variety of inexpensive food. They are typically found near public housing estates or transport hubs.

I love it because:
a) they sell authentic variety of dishes from chinese, malay, indian etc.
b) variety of choices and convenient that you can tell how you want your noodles or pork to be plus it's fast too
c) inexpensive! you can get a delicious noodle set for $2 to $3 and most stuff are over $5 for the most expensive ones. Good isn't? 

Singapore is a good place if you want to devour on delicious hawker treats. We went to two different areas. Lucky for us, there's a huge hawker place in front of our hotel and we went all the way to China town to visit the popular Maxwell hawker centre.

Hainanese Chicken rice set

Hainanese Chicken my true love

The food menu posted on top of the stall. Here's what we ordered, Chicken rice set for $5

I think we were just in time for the last Chicken lol

The view outside the hawker at Jalan Besar

We all ended up getting hainanese chicken rice set

I wonder where we can find an accessible hawker food stall that sells authentic Chinese dish here in Manila. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My thoughts after watching the Social Network

  1. It reminded me of the Ad Agency world and university life (mine).
  2. You can be smart and the best in this thing but you still need others to fill up what you 're missing and can't do. Yes you will also be not aware of that. 
  3. Friends will be good to you but they will always be driven by their own ambitions and dreams. Their own. Always first.
  4. I should have gone to Stanford for college. I had a phase where i wanted to go to Duke then Stanford then USC. Now Moscow state Uni. But yes i should have gone to Stanford. 
  5. Yes, i really want to go back to school and not work. If school then just that and work then just work. Can't do both. No. 

Andrew Garfield looks like a cross between Cesc Fabregas and Xabi Alonso

I already knew about the Facebook story but was pretty surprised with the film. Well it's David Fincher. You know it wouldn't be just one of those adaptations right? I love the screenplay and verbal pwnage in the film. I love that actor who played Mark Zuckerberg. Now i don't find him annoying anymore. The real Mark, yes. Justin Timberlake did well as Sean Fanning. I think douchebag characters suits him well.    Oh the film made me want to date a hotshot, nerdy, cute, genius , future billionaire. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Belle de jour at the Venice Piazza

 Wall where i wrote "Thanks for the menstrual tracker!"

Little Girl getting her hand painted

Write your top 10 and post in this area

I wrote my top 10 dreams and you can guess what's in it

Saw this and i can't not take a photo! Written by a kid for sure! How cute is she? to be smart! to learn! 
TO NOT LIE! to be a photografer! to be respectful! so cute! See this contrast between this post below? 

Venice Piazza is pretty

even more at night!

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