Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Secrets of Guerilla Marketing Seminar by Al Lautenslager

Last November 13, 2010, I fought myself and woke up early on a Saturday and attended the Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing  Seminar by Al Lautenslager with my College friend Erikka. Always wanted to check out the Guerrilla Marketing series books so i said it's a good time to come to this event and one of my dearest friends, Nash is one of the organizers and gave us VIP discounts. So it's both educational and support for me and my friends. 

 The Color theme of this day and i like it with Military Green

Running with 3 hours of sleep

Al Lautenslager giving us some secrets on Guerrilla Marketing

We were seated in front lol and it was freezing in this big auditorium

Blurry shot but i was writing!

My lunch

Tokyo Tokyo nearby

Erikka being her cute self

Erikka's Beef Misono

My dearest Nash giving the closing Speech

Had fun with Erikka since i haven't seen her in a long time.
Great job for Nash! Thanks for the VIP! Till our next event!
The talk was great, made me miss college and doing full blown marketing campaigns. :(
I went home hungry lol and tired

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