Thursday, November 11, 2010

My thoughts after watching the Social Network

  1. It reminded me of the Ad Agency world and university life (mine).
  2. You can be smart and the best in this thing but you still need others to fill up what you 're missing and can't do. Yes you will also be not aware of that. 
  3. Friends will be good to you but they will always be driven by their own ambitions and dreams. Their own. Always first.
  4. I should have gone to Stanford for college. I had a phase where i wanted to go to Duke then Stanford then USC. Now Moscow state Uni. But yes i should have gone to Stanford. 
  5. Yes, i really want to go back to school and not work. If school then just that and work then just work. Can't do both. No. 

Andrew Garfield looks like a cross between Cesc Fabregas and Xabi Alonso

I already knew about the Facebook story but was pretty surprised with the film. Well it's David Fincher. You know it wouldn't be just one of those adaptations right? I love the screenplay and verbal pwnage in the film. I love that actor who played Mark Zuckerberg. Now i don't find him annoying anymore. The real Mark, yes. Justin Timberlake did well as Sean Fanning. I think douchebag characters suits him well.    Oh the film made me want to date a hotshot, nerdy, cute, genius , future billionaire. 

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