Sunday, January 9, 2011

Karen's last day

TMy bestfriend from that filthy office is leaving for London soon to study/work find true love. Her last day at work was before the holidays sometime in December. We decided to celebrate by doing what we do best and what we actually did the whole 2010. Pig out!

 Barrio Fiesta!

We opted for the Barrio Fiesta branch near the office since we've been planning to do it for so long and we want to really pig out and be happy, so what else can we do? Eat Crispy Pata and Kare-Kare!

 Someone is just plain shy or shy to be seen munching on pork knuckles 

The view from that branch where it was a little compact and fast foodish
 since they're targeting the working sector near the area

Barrio Fiesta Crispy Pata!

Barrio Fiesta Kare-Kare!

I love our Kare-Kare in this pot!

Our special yummy fried rice! 

We will miss you! Especially me! Since we were inseparable the whole year! :( 

The food was delicious and we were so full! I remember eating at Barrio Fiesta all the time when i was little with the whole fam and i missed how good it was. It's still delicious and will definitely go back soon. 

Dinner time and we planned to eat at Ayala Triangle Gardens where Kanin Club was announced to be opening that same night! We were ecstatic! But dinner time we came in and it was jam packed and we were still a little full from our heavy barrio fiesta lunch so we decided to eat at Omakase. 

Spicy Tuna Salad

Orange Iced tea

Their Orange Iced tea was fine. It's still better than those generic iced tea that most restos serve. I have this thing with restaurants and iced teas. I judge a resto by the quality of their iced tea because it says a lot. I can't live without freshly brewed iced tea with Army/Navy's Libertea being my favorite. Planning to learn how to do it on my own so i can feed it to my loved ones.  

Tofu Steak

All time favorite Tempura

It was a great day. We had a fun dinner talking about EVERYTHING from the funniest and most shallow things to the most obscene ones. We love educating Karen about these. We went to Starbucks near to continue our fun talk and eat dessert. This is one of those nights where you end up going home late but happy with how the whole day turned out and you know in yourself the way was not wasted. 

 I will miss you! Eating, talking about the most outrageous things and about our dreams and mothers! I will see you soon! 

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