Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My PRK Experience

2010 was a great year for me due to many reasons. One of it was my PRK laser eye surgery which took place last December. People who've gone through it said it was a "life changing decision" for them. And almost a month from having it, I can already agree with them. I now have my 20/20 vision back and no longer need to stress myself with buying and wearing contact lenses plus having to sport that geeky red glasses of mine! 

Now the process was not a breeze. I was very scared and nervous at first! I am aware that our eyes are one of the most important features. I even once thought that to be blind is the hardest thing that can happen to anyone more than not being able to hear or speak. Not being able to see not just the beauty in this world but anything! From your scribbles on the paper, your loved ones, kids running around, tall buildings and beaches! Even your own face in the mirror! Having a healthy and clear eyesight is priceless!

Prior to the surgery: I researched a LOT! Asked friends who have done it and canvassed for the best doctors and hospitals in the country. Read forums, articles etc. on the net. It's a good thing that my good friend, Cristina just had her surgery done a few months ago and she's doing really well. She referred me to her doctor and Hospital and I scheduled an appointment.

First visit to the doctor: I knew that the initial screening will take time and its purpose is to determine whether or not you are a "candidate" or is "suitable" to any of the eye laser procedures available. The screening took less than 2 hours. It was just a bunch of eye test that is looking at telescope like machines etc. Imagine the grade check up and having it done 4 to 5 times simultaneously. No pain at all. Right after it, I immediately went to have a talk with my doctor with him carrying a lot of papers (the result!) and he immediately told me that I am a "candidate" for all procedures! Good start! I got excited after this. He then told me I can choose which procedure and asked him to explain all, pros and cons etc. and I got torn between PRK and Lasik. He said I can go home and think and then call the clinic to tell them my decision and the final surgery date. 

Why PRK? 

Lasik, the most common laser eye surgery procedure is done by cutting/creating a thin, circular flap which will be put back on your eyes then they zap the laser on it.  PRK or Photo Refractive Keratectomy is like Lasik but instead of making a flap, they chemically remove the outer layer of the eyes(using a liquid solution) then perform the laser right after. 

I have chosen PRK for the following reasons:

  • I'm scared of the flap and don't want a flap inside my eyes right after the surgery. Military pilots and army boys aren't allowed to get Lasik and can only do PRK due to the flap's ability to break (though it's rare) and if you're into contact sports, then lasik is a no-no for you. I'm not into contact sports but this is a consideration for me.
  • I have dry eyes and PRK is more advisable for it.
  • PRK is cheaper.
  • Exactly the same result in terms of vision. 

Why not PRK?

The only downside that made me think is that the healing and recovery in Lasik is faster. You get the surgery today and you're good to go tomorrow when you wake up. With PRK, it will take you 3 days to heal due to them removing the outer layer and zapping the laser where as there's no need for "healing" with lasik since the flap that they put inside took care of it. 

So after going over my research, consulting with people, friends and family members. I have decided to go with PRK. 

The day before Surgery:

After scheduling my final surgery date weeks ago and the availability of my doctor. It's finally the big day tomorrow! Excited and scared at the same time but i keep on picturing myself with no glasses and contacts. So I was given an instructions paper to follow the week prior to surgery and the consent form. I started reading a book and finished it the whole night until 3am. My surgery is scheduled at 10am. I bawled like a baby reading that book and was a little worried going to surgery with my eyes like that.

The PRK day 1:

December 21, 2010! It's finally the day of the surgery! I went to the hospital and the first thing done was putting anestethic drops and some other drops on both of my eyes to make it numb. I sat down and waited for a while while nurse cleaned the outside of my eyes. I was relieved seeing a lot of people waiting outside to have their surgery too. My mom waited for me on the waiting area. My doctor then asked me to look at the wall clock and asked if I can see it clearly and I said I could not. He then mentioned ok and after a few minutes, 2 nurses came in with him to get me inside the surgery room. It's time!

Actual Surgery: The whole surgery took about 10 minutes. It was painless as told by the doctor. I actually enjoyed the experience! I was lying down in bed with the machine going over each of my eyes. The only weird thing was being able to see the different  tools probing and poking your eye and not being able to feel a thing! As mentioned above, PRK includes the doctor putting some liquid solution that will remove the outer layer of your eyes. They will then clean it by scraping (yes!) it out. This sure sounds scary and you can see them doing it but you won't feel a single thing! After scraping it, you're now good for laser! The doctor will ask you to just look at the green or red light that you can see and then laser time! The laser took around a minute and it's a normal laser as you imagine it to be. Lights and beams! No pain at all, just lights. Once done, they will then put water and some liquid on your eyes and you'll feel the cold sensation. The next part is being able to have crystal clear vision right after that liquid was poured.

The surgery was actually better than expected. I was really scared before it and was surprised on how easy it went. It was good that my doctors were interacting with me, telling me that "this particular thing" will take around 60 seconds etc. and you won't feel anything but just some cold sensation. 

After it, I was given a cute tiny bag with all the drops needed and some instructions. It was surreal walking around the hospital with my 20/20 vision. Mom and I then proceeded to Delifrance right in front of St. Lukes to have lunch. 

Everything was going well until the anesthesia wears off. Its effect from the surgery was long but the moment i went home and rested in bed, i can already feel a slight discomfort with my eyes. Not pain. More on light sensitivity and it was hard to open it without feeling something. I was given this shades to wear the whole week even when i'm sleeping to protect my eyes and myself scratching it. 

I rested the whole night. Day 1 was good and positive. 

Day 2:

Not until you get to the 2nd day! This was one of the worst days ever! I woke up with a slight pain in my eyes. I could not open it at all! It's like even when i try, it shuts down. So I ended up wearing my shades and not opening my eyes the whole day! It's a good thing I have a post surgery check-up. I felt really horrible this time. I was crying and scared. Mind you, i'm a brat so imagine how I am that time. Vision was not clear too, only because I could not open my eyes so I can't even determine if it was clearer than yesterday.

We went to the doctor before lunch. I had to wrap a scarf near my eyes with the shades especially when going out of the house. My eyes just would not open. I was so relieved when I finally saw my doctor and he immediately put some anesthetic drops and voila! It's a whole new world again! My eyes are back and it's crystal clear! I was relieved after it and he then checked my eyes and asked me questions. He told me that this day will be the worst day! And my eyes were healing fast and It will be better tomorrow. I got a lot of motivation and hope from his words. We had lunch again right after and went home to rest my eyes. 

I felt better after the doctor's visit but still had a hard time opening my eyes so I was in bed the whole time and was bored as hell. Boredom will be your life the first few days of the surgery. 

Day 3:

My doctor turned out to be right and this day was slightly better than yesterday. I woke up with no pain in trying to open my eyes, although it is still hard specially since my face was facing the window hence the sunlight reflection. I put my drops then lay in bed the whole day. My mom visits to bring me lunch and snack. My drops were my saving grace. Just to remind you how important they can be! Follow them as instructed and they will really help your recovery faster. I rested the whole day. I was able to type on my mobile phone and have BBM with my friends. Slight discomfort with light still. I slept the night hoping it will be better tomorrow.

Day 4:

This was my favorite day! I was in love with this day! I woke up feeling good and surprisingly no pain when i tried to open my eyes. I was very thankful because it was the 24th of December! Noche Buene tonight and so i wanted to be better! I tried to take it a little easier by resting and wearing my shades still. But being the impatient me, I tried using my mobile phoneagain and was surprised that I can actually look at it without being that light sensitive. I SMSed and BBMed my friends. It d id not stop there because I turned the TV on for the first time and I can actually watch it without any discomfort! The next event would be me excited and turning on my PC! Yes! I was excited to go online after days of being disconnected. I even loved this day when I was able to browse through sites normally and use messenger. 

In short: I was back to normal! 

I turned off the PC and put my clothes on and went out of the house! I went to our kitchen after and watched my mom and bro prepare food for Christmas. I was so happy and thankful this day that I slept so well. Christmas the next day and this was definitely the best Christmas gift ever. God is good and I have 20/20 vision again! I can't wait for the week to be over so I can remove the protective lens! My friend said, it would feel even more wonderful without it. I cannot wait!

Oh here's a great video of the PRK surgery!

The metal down is the thing that will hold and support your eyes for not closing. No, it won't hurt at all.

0:13 - you can see the doctor pouring the solution that will remove the outer layer
0:29 - you can see them probing, poking and scraping the outer parts! I'm so amazed watching this cause it looks nasty but YOU WON'T FEEL A THING! I'm still baffled by it.
1:47 - Laser time! You won't feel a thing here too, just some light.
2:41 - Laser done! They will pour some cold water on your eyes. Put the protective lens that you will wear for a week (since the cornea is healing)
3:23 - Done! You can see crystal clear during this time! It will feel good!

I was at this paradise last week. The first time I went on a vacation with my new vision. I took this photo and experienced it with my new eyes with no contacts/glasses! It was lovely. I wanted to cry during our car ride because everything was clear and pretty. It was really a life changing decision and I could not wait to do all the things I have planned!

Life is good.

PRK log to be continued...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Friday: Wee Nam Kee and Bon Chon Chicken

I just got home from Singapore and was badly craving for Hainanese Chicken. It was a good thing that Wee name kee just opened in Ayala Triangle Gardens (ATG) which was a walking distance from the office. So we decided to have lunch there only to get disappointed by the following reasons:
  1. The place was big but disorganized and messy. The chairs and tables weren't strategically and properly placed so the place feels uncomfy and crowded.
  2. The service staff were slow and inexperienced. They just opened so we were nice but they really don't know what they were doing. They don't even know the details of the food they're selling! Our soup was the last one to arrived! Yes soup and not dessert! They wouldn't give it if we did not ask for it. 
  3. The food was pricey for their small serving (P168 meal). And honestly, it was not that good. I was expecting a lot from their Chicken.

   Hoisin, Ginger and Chili Sauce Triumvirate 

     Steamed Hainanese Chicken

Roasted  Hainanese Chicken

It was obvious we weren't satisfied and we usually take our friday food trips seriously. So we went to Bon chon Chicken right after work hoping it would save the day.

  The place was a bit tiny compared to their branch in GB

The chicken was small but i'm in love with the taste specially the spicy one

A combination of 6 wings (tiny) and 3 drumstick would cost around P365 and 3 drumstick or 6 wings is around P185. A friend said he found the chicken to be too small for its price. He's right but I really love it's strong taste that i had to come back for it again. Unlike Wee nam kee, which after eating will force you to buy something else because it was not enough, Bon Chon was a little more satisfying. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Karen's last day

TMy bestfriend from that filthy office is leaving for London soon to study/work find true love. Her last day at work was before the holidays sometime in December. We decided to celebrate by doing what we do best and what we actually did the whole 2010. Pig out!

 Barrio Fiesta!

We opted for the Barrio Fiesta branch near the office since we've been planning to do it for so long and we want to really pig out and be happy, so what else can we do? Eat Crispy Pata and Kare-Kare!

 Someone is just plain shy or shy to be seen munching on pork knuckles 

The view from that branch where it was a little compact and fast foodish
 since they're targeting the working sector near the area

Barrio Fiesta Crispy Pata!

Barrio Fiesta Kare-Kare!

I love our Kare-Kare in this pot!

Our special yummy fried rice! 

We will miss you! Especially me! Since we were inseparable the whole year! :( 

The food was delicious and we were so full! I remember eating at Barrio Fiesta all the time when i was little with the whole fam and i missed how good it was. It's still delicious and will definitely go back soon. 

Dinner time and we planned to eat at Ayala Triangle Gardens where Kanin Club was announced to be opening that same night! We were ecstatic! But dinner time we came in and it was jam packed and we were still a little full from our heavy barrio fiesta lunch so we decided to eat at Omakase. 

Spicy Tuna Salad

Orange Iced tea

Their Orange Iced tea was fine. It's still better than those generic iced tea that most restos serve. I have this thing with restaurants and iced teas. I judge a resto by the quality of their iced tea because it says a lot. I can't live without freshly brewed iced tea with Army/Navy's Libertea being my favorite. Planning to learn how to do it on my own so i can feed it to my loved ones.  

Tofu Steak

All time favorite Tempura

It was a great day. We had a fun dinner talking about EVERYTHING from the funniest and most shallow things to the most obscene ones. We love educating Karen about these. We went to Starbucks near to continue our fun talk and eat dessert. This is one of those nights where you end up going home late but happy with how the whole day turned out and you know in yourself the way was not wasted. 

 I will miss you! Eating, talking about the most outrageous things and about our dreams and mothers! I will see you soon! 
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