Monday, April 18, 2011

Kanye West is a Philophile

Why do I love Kanye West?
-Because he is hardworking. He seems like someone who does not take things for granted. If he will be there, then he'll make sure something comes out of it.
-Because he is talented. You can hate him but you can't deny this.
-Because he is relevant and different. He's not one of those thuggish rappers that we're all tired of.
-Because he creates the most fun music, videos and best concerts.
-Because he has impeccable style..
and wears a Ladies Céline top on a live performance! 

Kanye wearing a Céline Spring Summer 2011 collection long sleeve top (Coachella 2011)

He rocked it. Didn't he?
And his song Dark Fantasy with the lyrics "And my chick in that new Phoebe Philo". I'm not even a big hiphop fan but I appreciate great talent and style like Kanye.

Here's Kanye's 'Career Defining' performance of All of the Lights. *chills*

Photos: Upscalehype

The Holiday HEAT at Shangri-la

Long overdue post! Yearly Holiday dinner with the group. We wanted it a little formal this time so after a long talk on whether we will have it in Escolta, Spiral, Circles etc. we finally decided to go to the Heat. 

   Check was present! So happy!

Our food



Nashty and Norbie

Benny, Ceets and Check

Jelly and her presents! I gave her the book lol

Happy with his new gaga!

Ready for 2011 with his new planner lol

Of course!

Shoes killed me from going  back to the buffet area and our seat lol

I love dinners. Dinner with great friends even more. This one was special because Norbie and Check came. It was also a few days before my Lasik PRK so i could not wear contacts but we had loads of fun. There's nothing better than eating great food, talking and just laughing with people you love. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What i've been doing: Fitness

I know! I've been missing in action for quite some time but I am back now and will try to update as much as i can. So much has happened and I will slowly fill this up with everything.

For starters:

Yep. It's actually the one that took 80% of my time, stress and money. In case you didn't know, i'm the most unfit person. My work requires me to sit all day in front of the computer and after it, i just relax and sit in my ass at home. I hate sweating, getting hassled and stressed. But i wanted 2011 to be the year of getting fit and eating healthy. I went to the doctor a lot the past few months getting blood. kidney, liver etc. checked just to make sure. Bought expensive training shoes and gym gears. Did a lot of things. Started with what else? running!  I really liked running at first because you don't really spend a lot but i do it in ULTRA and i'm in Makati everyday so it gets hard. I kinda stopped but still want to continue for sure. Hopefully when i do, i can finish a straight 5k.

I also enrolled in a boxing gym. Now the first thing that comes into people's minds when they hear about this is that it is violent and they think of Manny Pacquiao etc. but no this is actually a very extensive and good workout. It has aerobics, weights and cardio in one. My boxing gym is actually pretty good. We've tried 3 different ones before we settled on this one. They have reasonable price, accessible gym and good trainers and equipment. They even have TRX for training! Awesome right?

My last attempt into having a healthy lifestyle is none other than Bikram Yoga! Lol who would have thought right? Me Yoga? and not just Yoga but Bikram! In case you didn't know, Bikram or hot yoga  is practiced in a 105°F (≈ 40.6°C) room. So yes it is hot and you will sweat like you've never sweated before. Some people even collapse in the middle of a class. It's that tedious. The good stuff? It feels good during and after. Like any workout, you might struggle first but eventually you'll get the hang of it. I like it cause i can see the changes and results. I also like the cleansing part. I'm not the most flexible person in the world and this actually made me fear going into Yoga but you should know that taking yoga is actually for you to be flexible and i can say that i've seen it in me. And yes you might be shy at first but upon going there, you'll realize that people do not really care on whether you can bend your body like a contortionist because everyone's busy doing their own thing. Below is a photo of my Instructors, Joyce and Tristan plus me patiently listening on the side lol. He's demonstrating the Tuladandasana or Balancing stick pose during our posture clinic. 

But more than all the workout, what i really want to change is my eating habit. So in a joint venture with Lent, I've decided to give up rice and soda. The actual plan was to eat more of this:

But I actually eat more of these specially at work everyday. It's so hard to give up meat and pasta. I think i can eat noodles/pasta everyday for the rest of my life!

That's for fitness right now. I'm sure you know that having a healthier lifestyle is actually VERY expensive. You can live on fast food and instant stuff everyday. But fresh veggies and shakes on a daily basis is pricey. Specially if you buy organic stuff. And let's not even begin with gym, yoga etc. prices. I guess it boils down to no pain, no gain. If you want to get fit and healthy, you can't just sit and wait. You work hard and invest for your health. I've made up my mind that 2011 is my year to get fit and healthy. I know i can never get rid of my ALL my cellulites but i can improve my body and health. I'm slowly there but it's a long way because the ultimate goal is this:

 Kidding :P I just want to get a normal weight, no sickness and normal everything.
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